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Girls Inc. of Worcester

Girls Celebration 2023

Give a gift today, inspire a girl for a lifetime.

Let us come together as a community to empower every girl to be strong, smart, and bold!
This year, we are honored to have incredible 'Bold Believers' supporting our Girls Celebration Fundraising goal. Find your Bold Believers and make a difference today!

What is a Bold Believer? A Bold Believer is a Girls Inc. volunteer who is raising money to help our girls by building a team of friends, colleagues, and family members to meet a giving goal, much like a Table Captain would for an in-person event. Click here to find your Bold Believer and join their virtual team.

Who can be a Bold Believer? Anyone! Click on the 'Become a Bold Believer' button above to become a Bold Believer today! Girls Inc. of Worcester staff are here to help our Bold Believers build their teams and reach their fundraising goals. Please contact Jillian Jette jjette@girlsincworcester.org for details.

Once you have joined your team, learn more about Girls Celebration and register here:

Register for Girls Celebration

Join Girls Inc. of Worcester at 4:30 p.m. on March 23, 2023 to celebrate our girls and honor those who advocate on behalf of our girls. Coinciding with Women's History Month, this year's Girls Celebration showcases the importance of women of history - Girls Inc. and beyondWe will also be spotlighting the phenomenal women-owned businesses that continue to support our cause despite facing historic challenges themselves. Girls Inc. continues to show up in our girls lives from girlhood to adulthood. We continue to adapt to the needs of our girls in the community as we always have done over the past 100+ years. We will continue to advocate for the next generation of strong, smart, and bold leaders! 

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